Hosted by MPP Bhutila Karpoche, this town hall will explore the serious issues that arise from plans to expand the burning of methane gas to produce electricity in Ontario. Panelists include:
• MPP Peter Tabuns: Critic, Climate Action; Critic, Energy
• Dr. Mili Roy: Co-Chair, CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment); Co-Chair, OCEC (Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign)
• Keith Brooks: Program Director, Environmental Defence
• Green 13/Parkdale-High Park for Climate Action
This summer, here where we live, we could see, smell, and taste the smoke of distant forest fires in the air. We were urged to stay indoors and limit activities. The hours of cooling centres and pools were extended. We heard news of fires, tornadoes, floods, storms, heat, ravaging far and wide. At this time, a time of climate breakdown, as Ontario considers forecasts for energy needs and plans for future electricity generation, we must be informed of the various options – their hazards, their benefits, their financial costs, and the human costs of what they entail for those who come after us.
This Town Hall provides the opportunity for us all to learn more, and to air our concerns.
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