Let’s Talk Greenbelt and Housing

The Green Party of Ontario, Don Valley West Constituency Association is holding a series of small group discussions online and our homes around the riding.

Here’s how it works.

You can sign up to be a guest. We’ll let you know the date and time. Bring your curiosity. Your host may ask you to bring a food item to share.

Or you can sign up to be a host. You provide the space, set the menu, and invite neighbours and friends. The menu could be pot luck, tea and cookies, cheese and crackers, or dinner— it’s up to you.

We will bring experts and facilitators. If you like, we can add some guests, who are your neighbours and Green supporters.

This month we’ll be talking about the Greenbelt and Housing. We’ll be taking on questions like

  • What can be done to protect the Greenbelt?
  • How do we build housing that is plentiful, affordable, and gentle to the environment?

This session will be held in person over dinner. The location will be in Don Valley West and will be assigned after you RSVP.

Event Details
Event Details