NMNT Meet up: Reduce noise pollution by speaking up to the Board of Health

Man covering ears from too much noise

Noise is a public health hazard. Join us to learn how you can tell Toronto Public Health that reducing noise pollution matters to you.

We’ve learned that it is stakeholder engagement that influences change at City Hall. You are a stakeholder in the environment that the city produces through it’s policies and actions.

We have an opportunity to engage with the Board of Health as Toronto Public Health presents their 2024 to 2028 strategic priorities, which we have influenced them along the way.

We’ll share tips, speaking points and how we can to support you in sharing a concise, relevant and impactful message.

Noise pollution is a growing problem around the world. Here in Toronto we are taking a coordinated community and data centered approach to noise which is getting the attention of City Councillors and the ear of the City.

Join us to learn more about how we are making a difference.

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