Join us for a virtual Lunch & Learn as we explore up-to-date developments in noise camera technology with an expert in the field.
Urban noise pollution, particularly traffic noise, is on the rise and can have serious impacts on residents’ physical and mental health. Police forces everywhere are overwhelmed by staffing issues and competing priorities. How can cities deal with the growing number of unlawful, anti-social and aggressive drivers? Does noise camera technology provide a reliable and cost effective solution?
On January 18th at noon EST, Reuben Peckham, Director of Intelligent Instruments will walk us through the latest news, developments and challenges in the world of noise camera technology.
News Flash! NYC is currently benefiting from a very successful, fully operational noise camera technology enforcement program using Intelligent Instruments’ SoundVue system. The program is so successful the city has recently put in a bid to deploy 100 more units. Intelligent Instruments has received inquiries from more than 30 U.S. cities.
Join us and learn how bustling modern cities can work to create healthy soundscapes for everyone.