Plants create seeds to ensure their next generation thrives, and we can help them along! Learn about how to save seeds from native species and what they need to survive from storage to propagation during this family-friendly workshop. Gain hands-on opportunities to harvest seeds in the Toronto Botanical Garden. Share and trade seeds with neighbours and friends to re-wild your whole community!
Thursday, October 3 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Public $5 (plus applicable taxes and fees)
About Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Since 1957, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), as enabled through the provincial Conservation Authorities Act, has taken action to enhance our region’s natural environment and protect our land, water and communities from the impacts of flooding and increasingly extreme weather events — Ontario’s leading cause of public emergencies. As the region’s first line of defence against natural hazards, TRCA maintains vital infrastructure and provides programs and services that promote public health and safety, protecting people and property. TRCA mobilizes a science-based approach to provide sound policy advice, leveraging its position as a not-for-profit operating in the broader public sector to achieve collective impacts within our communities and across all levels of government