Mike Schreiner, Elizabeth May and Jonathan Pednault walking in the Pride Parade.
March with the Green Party of Canada and the Green Party of Ontario in the Toronto Pride Parade. The Toronto Pride Parade is a vibrant and inclusive celebration of 2SLGBTQ+ pride, diversity, and equality! Come march in one of the...
Man covering ears from too much noise
Noise is a public health hazard. Join us to learn how you can tell Toronto Public Health that reducing noise pollution matters to you. We’ve learned that it is stakeholder engagement that influences change at City Hall. You are a...
Quilt Blocks Expressing Climate Anxiety
Welcome to our event at The Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning! Join us for a day filled with discussions, workshops, and co-creation focusing on tackling climate anxiety in the arts sector. Let’s come together to explore innovative ways to address...
July 14, 2024
We’re going to rally until the Ontario Government hears us! Rally will conclude with a peaceful march to the Ontario Science Centre for supporters interested in joining us. Take the TTC, if possible. Route 100 from Broadview Station* Get off at...
July 21, 2024
Join the Don Valley West Greens for policy in the park! We will be having an interactive discussion on Greenbelt and Housing. We will explore questions such as: Our subject matter expert is Sheena Sharp, afounder and the principal architect...
Group of people discussing and listening intently
Join us on August 9th for an incredible evening of education, and inspiration, meet Toronto’s foremost thought leaders in green business, tech, energy, and sustainability. The goal of The Green Summit is to create content that is easily accessible to...
Photo of a house
The Nonprofit Resiliency Project, a program of the London Environmental Network, works to retrofit multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) owned by low-income nonprofit organizations with new and emerging sustainable technologies. With these upgrades, these buildings can become more efficient, safer, comfortable, and...
Kids smiling while gardening
Join us to help us make the Fletchers Creek SNAP neighbourhood more sustainable and ready for a changing climate. This event is part of Fletchers Creek Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP). Take part in a tour of the Glendale Raingarden to...
Several volunteers carrying a tube while cleaning up
The waste we saw in the valley was what first inspired us to form Don’t Mess with the Don. It seemed everywhere we looked there was garbage and the problem was only getting worse so we knew we had to...
Hands holding seeds over pots of soil
October 6, 2024
Plants create seeds to ensure their next generation thrives, and we can help them along! Learn about how to save seeds from native species and what they need to survive from storage to propagation during this family-friendly workshop. Gain hands-on...
Open Data Summit Event Banner
Now is the perfect time to start planning your getaway to Edmonton, Alberta on October 30 and 31, and prepare for a memorable event. Here is what we have in store for you when you attend in person: Be sure...


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